Alexandra Bergmann

Alexandra runs her own live relations agency and, as a project manager, gives a wide variety of teams room for diversity of ideas and flexibility for successful measures. Accordingly, as a coach she accompanies and guides teams and companies to find their way.
After graduating from high school, she trained as a musical performer, but then quickly moved into communications: PR traineeship, 12 months of cross-training in event technology, part-time studies in communications, 17 years in the agency business, many of them in management positions, until creating her own agency DIE NEUEN. in 2014. Coaching is now a regular companion to her work. She is a certified Systemic Business Coach (ECA) and Scrum Master.
Direct dialogue and emotional expression has always been one of the most important factors in live relations and is becoming even more important in the course of advancing digitalisation and changing framework conditions. The goal is to create proximity, to make the values of an organisation transparent and tangible in order to enable further development. Values must be equally tangible and credible for the team if real motivation is the goal.

„As a young gymnast I had to focus on myself, be disciplined and ambitious, but it was always the team that made us really strong together. It is the goal of my work that these two sides be lived in the development of strategies and communication within organisations. This is where Systemic Business Coaching comes in.”